Artist Statment:
"When I was ten years old I built my first darkroom. I shot on 620 roll film in a simple box camera. I learned exposure latitude with a eclectic selection of light. I found treasures live in the shadows and work to uncover the magic. As my skills advanced, so did my shooting technology. Shooting on 35mm, 120 roll and 4X5 sheet film. I moved to a color darkroom and added color theory to my resume. With a diverse shooting style from fashion to architecture to nature and into the altered realities." -Greg Pine
This site is divided into categories of similar photographs. Some were shot on film, some digital, and some were created on the computer. This is a small sample of my work over several decades. All photographs are available order prints or licensing for on-line use. All samples here are in a limited resolution for quick viewing. Contact information is available on the right. Click on the business card to open a mail link. -GP